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2019年轻型运动飞机和运动飞行员套材飞机市场份额报告LSA and SP Kit Market Shares in 2019
2020-04-15 17:28:32 5692
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             我们将迎来新的一年。凭借我们针对LSASP kit市场份额的总结能力,我们现在可以迅速地报告2019年的业绩。We have a new year upon us. With our new reporting capabilities for LSA and SP kit market shares, we can now quickly report results from 2019.



    一如既往,请注意我们的数据来自FAA飞机注册数据库。这意味着数据是公正的-我们希望意味着可靠和可靠-当然了,它也意味着一些经过粉饰的信息需要变得完全准确。Steve操作数据库资源的宝贵能力与他对轻型飞机的知识相结合,从而实现了无与伦比的组合。A huge thanks to our supreme “datastician,” Steve Beste for making such swift and accurate reporting possible. I assure you that I’ve looked high and low for every year LSA have existed to find no comparable information.

    As always, be advised that our data comes from FAA’s aircraft registration database. That means it is impartial — hopefully meaning reliable and dependable — but it also means some massaging of the information is needed to be completely accurate. (See this article for more detail on the effort involved; it is not trivial.) Steve’s valuable ability to manipulate database resources combines with his knowledge of light aircraft to make an unbeatable combination.


    As much as any data allows — and as the saying goes… “you can take this info to the bank.” It’s solid!

    2019 In R回顾

    2019 In Review


    概述——这是最重要的观点:“这是一个好年份,”史蒂夫写道,他指出,2019年,我们类别的飞机注册量增长了793架,比上一年增长了10%算上所有机型,机队数量从2018年底的8028架增加到2019年底的8821架。虽然没有去年股市那么热闹,但这表明轻型飞机行业的数字令人满意。Overview — Here’s the top line view: “It’s been a good year,” wrote Steve, as he noted aircraft registrations for our categories grew by 793 aircraft in 2019, a 10% increase from the year prior. Counting all types, the fleet enlarged from 8,028 at the end of 2018 to 8,821 by end of year 2019. While not as boisterous as the stock market was last year, this nonetheless suggests satisfying numbers for the light aircraft industry.


    史蒂夫观察到,与2018年相比,“运动飞行员套飞机在LSA上的增长虽然不多;市场略微缩小了与LSA市场的差距,LSA市场由特殊的、完全制造的LSA和实验性的、套制造的LSA组成。”运动飞行员套不符合ASTM标准,但法规和所有者较少,他或她的飞机制造完成后,可以在没有A&P监督的情况下进行维护。Compared to 2018, Steve observed, “Sport Pilot kit aircraft are gaining on LSA though not by much; the kit market slightly closed the gap with the LSA market comprised of both Special, fully-built LSA and Experimental, kit-built LSA.” Sport Pilot kits do not meet ASTM standards but have less regulations and the owner, having built his or her plane, is allowed to maintain it without oversight by an A&P.

    正如史蒂夫所揭示的那样,市场领导者所涉及的七个品牌都一直处于领先地位。As Steve uncovered, the market leaders involve the same seven brands that have been leading the pack.

    然而,正如他所说,“所有都没有同样的经历,Kitfox的注册人数增加了60%(因为爱达荷州公司在2018年似乎失去了一些势头)。Vans飞机增长了44%Rans增长了20%,但Zenair/ZenithSonex的增长速度与之前略有不同(见下图)However, as he added, “All did not have the same experience. Kitfox registrations increased by 60% (as the Idaho company appeared to lose some momentum in 2018). Van’s Aircraft grew by 44% and Rans by 20% but  Zenair/Zenith and Sonex were modestly off their previous pace (see chart below).”



    作为参考,这是我们的2009年第三季度市场份额报告,您可能会发现更多感兴趣的细节。For reference, here is our 3Q19 market share report with additional details you might find interesting.


    LSA水上飞机--ICON继续表现良好(但见下一段)。2019年最后一个季度的表现比SeaMaxSuper Petrel后者在上一季度增加了两名新投资者,而SeaMax则增加了三名新投资者这两家公司的总部都在巴西,但SeaMax一直在努力打造其在美国的业务,而且,显然,它正在取得回报。LSA Seaplanes — Icon continues to do well (but see the next paragraph). The last quarter of 2019 was good for SeaMax and Super Petrel. The latter gained two new owners in the last quarter while SeaMax gained three. Both companies are based in Brazil but SeaMax has been working hard on their U.S. presence (see more here) and, apparently, it is paying off.


    史蒂夫写道,“关于ICON数据,请注意,历史数据往往不同于以前的报告,”在这个例子中ICON和它的A5他接着说,“这是因为FAA继续完善其数据。例如,在2018年,FAA报告57Icon A5飞机为“2018的交付飞机,但FAA数据员在年底完成书面工作后,将其中11架改为“2019年度的了因此,我们现在报告的2018ICON不到57”Steve wrote, “Regarding Icon’s numbers, note that historical figures often differ from what was previously reported,” in this case with Icon and its A5. He continued, “This happens because FAA continues to perfect its data. For example, for 2018 the agency reported 57 Icon A5s as ‘2018’ aircraft but FAA data clerks switched 11 of those to ‘2019’ once their late-in-the-year paperwork was done. Thus, we now report fewer than 57 Icons for 2018.”


    尽管作出了这些必要的调整,我们仍然认为本报告中使用的数字是现有的最佳数字,具有极高的可靠性。事实上,史蒂夫和我所做的调整证明了我们在努力报告准确、可靠的数据。Despite these necessary adjustments, we maintain the figures used in this report are the best available and are of very high reliability. In fact, the adjustments Steve and I make are proof of the effort to report accurate, dependable data.


    *一如既往,我向Steve的工作表示衷心的感谢!他提供了这些数据。*As always, I offer a loud and heartfelt THANKS! to Steve Beste for his work to make this information available.




    Alternative Aircraft
    (all other than Fixed Wing)




    In general terms, Steve noted, “Alternate aircraft offer a mixed picture.”

    He reported, “We have no change  from our third quarter 2019 report: Gyroplanes registrations are slowing slightly but are still hot. Trike registrations are holding steady. Powered parachutes registrations are off a bit (nearby chart).

    旋翼机-“低价Tango越来越流行”史蒂夫说。Tango的报价是相当好的装备,只有43500美元。“以前它是Rotax582发动机,但他们的网站说现在它有一个雅马哈发动机,他们说它提供四冲程,三缸,燃油喷射,1055立方厘米的发动机输出130马力。”这个发动机是低价标签的一部分,但即使你加上他们网站上显示的每一个选配件,你仍然可能不会突破50000美元。难怪它吸引了一些人的注意。当然,在FAA新的LSA法规出台之前,所有的陀螺仪——除了自动陀螺仪的主要类别——都必须作为一个必选安装设备(见下表)Gyroplanes — “The low-cost Tango is coming on strong,” said Steve. Tango is quoted quite well equipped for just $43,500. “It used to come with a Rotax 582 but their website says it now has a Yamaha engine that they say provides a four-stroke, three-cylinder, fuel-injected, 1,055 cubic centimeter engine outputting 130 horsepower.” That engine is part of the low price tag but even if you added every option shown on their website, you still might not break $50,000. No wonder it is attracting some attention. Of course, until the FAA’s new LSA regulation comes out, all gyros — other than AutoGyro’s Primary Category entry — must be built as a kit. (See chart below.)



    史蒂夫注意到一个新的旋翼机条目,“数据库现在显示了Airgyro和他们的AG-915显然,这是Celier Xenon的衍生物,但有很多变化。”Steve notes a new gyroplane entry, “The database now shows Airgyro and their AG-915. It’s a derivative of the Celier Xenon obviously, but with many changes.”



    三角翼--只看三角翼部分,史蒂夫写道,“奇怪的事情正在发生。”他澄清说,“改进的三角翼,领先的三角翼生产商Revo,在2019年没有注册任何高端型。相反,家佛罗里达公司的热门型号是设计师Larry Mednick的Part 103 Rev和他的新RevX2次注册)。Larry告诉Oshkosh的一位潜在客户,他这两款已经缺货了好几个月,“这两款型没有出现在我们收集的数据中,因为Rev是Part103的机型,RevX是一款单座机,我们不认为它是LSA这显示了我们对单座的偏见,这是我们从未想过的。SLSA名单上的所有飞机都是双座的。我们未来将会统计这些单座,虽然我们没有办法增加Part103机型,因为他们不需要N字号注册Weight Shift Trikes — Looking only at the weight shift trike segment, Steve wrote, “Something strange is happening.” He clarified, “Evolution Trikes, a leading producer of trikes, registered none of the top-end Revo models in 2019. Instead, the Florida company’s hot models are designer Larry Mednick’s Part 103 Rev and his new RevX (2 registrations). Larry told a prospect at Oshkosh that he’s back-ordered for months on both of them.” These two models don’t appear in the data we collect because Rev is a Part 103 vehicle and RevX is a single-seat machine that we are not counting as being LSA-like. That shows a bias against single seaters, which we never intended. All aircraft on our SLSA List are two seaters. We will start to include single seaters in the future, though we have no way to add Part 103 vehicles because they require no N-numbers.“Wild Sky’s Goat by Denny Reed has done well,” exclaimed Steve! “What on earth are those Goat buyers doing with them? Could they all be flying back country,” he asked? Our earlier report and video will tell you more about this trike entry.



    关于本报告--SP”指的是业余制造的飞机,可由持有运动飞行员证书的飞行员或持有私人飞行员证书或更高证书的飞行员驾驶,行使运动飞行员的特权,这意味着不需要航空体检由于“运动飞行员”作为飞行员执照的一种形式,于2004年底才颁布,因此我们从FAA的飞机登记数据库中收集所有适用的套材飞机的信息,这些飞机可以由“运动飞行员”驾驶,当然,还包括所有特殊或试验性的LSA虽然在200511日之前也有一些相同的套飞机,但我们省略了它们,因为不能说那些旧飞机可以由持有运动飞行员证书的人驾驶。这也将SP套材与SLSA和ELSA进行了公平合理的比较。About this Report — “SP Kits” means Sport Pilot kit aircraft referring to amateur-built aircraft that can be flown by a pilot possessing a Sport Pilot certificate, or a pilot holding a Private Pilot certificate or higher who is exercising the privileges of Sport Pilot — meaning no aviation medical is required. Since Sport Pilot, as a form of pilot license, only arrived in late 2004, we collect information from FAA’s Aircraft Registration database for all applicable kit-built aircraft that can be flown by a Sport Pilot plus, of course, all Special or Experimental LSA. Although some of the same kit aircraft existed before January 1, 2005, we omit them as it cannot be said those older aircraft could be flown by someone with a Sport Pilot certificate. This also evenly and fairly compares SP Kits with SLSA and ELSA.

    ** When using our online market share reporting system called Tableau Public — please do have a look; it’s free! — be advised this website may appear best on your desktop or laptop. Smaller screen smartphones and tablets do not portray the information as conveniently.






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