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本田飞机公司向中国交付首架HondaJet Elite
2020-03-09 13:36:51 3997
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    HondaAircraft Company Begins Deliveries of HondaJet Elite to China

    本田技研工业株式会社(Honda)旗下的飞机事业子公司 —— Honda Aircraft Company  于当地时间12月10日在美国北卡罗来纳州的总部举行仪式,向大中华地区的唯一经销商——宏信通用航空有限责任公司交付首架HondaJet Elite这标志着由Honda独立研发的小型商务喷气机“HondaJetElite”(HondaJet的最新升级版)正式开始向中国市场交付。HondaJet Elite是一款性能卓越的小型商务喷气机,自2017年以来, HondaJet交付量在同等级小型商务喷气机领域均位居全球首位。

    Honda Aircraft Company announced today that it has begun deliveries of the HondaJet Elite to China. This first HondaJet Elite was delivered by Honda Aircraft Company at its world headquarters in Greensboro, NC to its exclusive dealer in China, Honsan General Aviation Co., Ltd.

    The first delivery to China comes after receiving Chinese type certification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) in August 2019, demonstrating that the aircraft meets the organization’s safety standards. To support HondaJet customers in China, Honsan General Aviation Co., Ltd. will provide sales and service at the business jet terminal in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou, China. This first HondaJet delivery to China is being financed by Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd., a global leasing company based in Japan.
    首架交付中国市场本田飞机HondaJet Elite


    “Delivering the first HondaJet to China is a significant milestone for Honda Aircraft, we will continue to showcase the many benefits of very light jet travel with the HondaJet Elite. We will provide Chinese customers with exceptional performance, efficiency, and comfort on their travels and will add value to the general aviation industry in China and eventually revolutionize it.”

    - Honda Aircraft Company president and CEO 

    Michimasa Fujino

    “向中国市场交付首架本田喷气式飞机对本田飞机公司来说是一个重要的里程碑,我们将继续展示HondaJet Elite超轻型飞机旅行的诸多好处。我们将为中国客户提供卓越的性能、高效和舒适的旅行,并将为中国的通用航空产业提升价值,并最终使其(商业市场运营)带来革命性的嬗变。”

    —— 本田飞机公司总裁兼首席执行官




    “The first delivery of the HondaJet Elite to Honsan marks a significant step for HondaJets entering the Chinese market. We are confident that we will provide an exceptional customer experience to future Chinese customers. We are eager to develop the very light jet market in China with the HondaJet and its superior performance.” 

    - CEO of Honsan General Aviation Co., Ltd. 

    Dr. Cheng Qian.

    “HondaJet Elite飞机首次交付给宏信通航公司,标志着本田喷气式商务飞机进入中国市场的重要一步。我们有信心为未来的中国客户提供卓越的飞行体验。我们渴望和本田飞机公司一起开拓中国超轻型商务机的市场,特别是本田喷气式商务飞机(HondaJet)的卓越性能。”

    —— 宏信(Honsan)通用航空有限公司首席执行官




    Honda Aircraft Company’s sales and service footprint spans North America, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, China, the Middle East, India, and Japan. The HondaJet fleet is currently comprised of around 140 aircraft around the globe and was the most delivered light jet in its class for 2017 and 2018.


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