Austro AE330 Aero engine航空发动机 E4 SeriesJet Fuel Piston EnginesAE330 Piston Engine--(Note:Please contact customer service for a quote)he AE330 is the most powerful heavy fuel engine in its class, based on the successful and reliabl.. Austroengine 2024-12-12 08:27 作者:mycax 阅读全文
Austro AE300 E4A|E4C Aero engine航空发动机 E4 SeriesJet Fuel Piston EnginesAE300 Piston Engine--(E4A/ E4C)(Note:Please contact customer service for a quote)AE300 是一款具有适航证的直列四缸 2 升活塞式航空煤油发动机,输出功率可达123.5 千瓦。 .. Austroengine 2024-12-11 10:52 作者:mycax 阅读全文