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    FAA §61.52 在超轻型载具中获得的航空经历的应用

    § 61.52 Use of aeronautical experience obtained in ultralight vehicles.

    §61.52 在超轻型载具中获得的航空经历的应用

    (a) Before January 31, 2012, a person may use aeronautical experience obtained in an ultralight vehicle to meet the requirements for the following certificates and ratings issued under this part: 

    (a) 2012年1月31日之前,相关人员可利用超轻型载具获得航空经历,以满足本部签发的下列执照和等级对航空经历的要求:

    (1) A sport pilot certificate. 

    (1) 运动飞行员执照

    (2) A flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating; 

    (2) 运动飞行员等级的飞行教员执照;

    (3) A private pilot certificate with a weight-shift-control or powered parachute category rating. 

    (3) 重力转换控制航空器或者轮式动力伞类别等级的私用飞行员执照。

    (b) Before January 31, 2012, a person may use aeronautical experience obtained in an ultralight vehicle to meet the provisions of § 61.69. 

    (b) 2012年1月31日之前,相关人员可利用超轻型载具获得航空经历,以满足§61.69的规定。

    (c) A person using aeronautical experience obtained in an ultralight vehicle to meet the requirements for a certificate or rating specified in paragraph (a) of this section or the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section must - 

    (c) 为满足本节第(a)款规定的执照或者等级要求或者本节第(b)款规定,利用超轻型载具获得航空经历的人员,必须:

    (1) Have been a registered ultralight pilot with an FAA-recognized ultralight organization when that aeronautical experience was obtained; 

    (1) 获得该航空经历时,已是FAA认可的超轻型载具组织的注册超轻型载具飞行员;

    (2) Document and log that aeronautical experience in accordance with the provisions for logging aeronautical experience specified by an FAA-recognized ultralight organization and in accordance with the provisions for logging pilot time in aircraft as specified in § 61.51; 

    (2) 按照FAA认可的超轻型载具组织既定的航空经历记录规定及§61.51规定的航空器飞行经历时间记录规定,进行归档和记录航空经历;

    (3) Obtain the aeronautical experience in a category and class of vehicle corresponding to the rating or privilege sought; and 

    (3) 使用类别及级别对应其申请等级或者权限的载具获得航空经历;以及

    (4) Provide the FAA with a certified copy of his or her ultralight pilot records from an FAA-recognized ultralight organization, that - 

    (4) 向FAA出示FAA认可的超轻型载具组织出具的超轻型载具飞行员记录的核证副本,该文件:

    (i) Document that he or she is a registered ultralight pilot with that FAA-recognized ultralight organization; and 

    (i) 证明其为FAA认可的超轻型载具组织的注册超轻型载具飞行员;以及

    (ii) Indicate that he or she is recognized to operate the category and class of aircraft for which sport pilot privileges are sought. 

    (ii) 表示其有资格申请运动飞行员权限的飞机类别和级别。

    [Doc. No. FAA-2001-11133, 69 FR 44865, July 27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61-125, 75 FR 5220, Feb. 1, 2010] 

    [文件编号FAA-2001-11133,69 FR 44865,2004年7月27日,修正案61-125,75 FR 5220,2010年2月1日]

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