但是,如果发现前登机门像下面这样呢,有没有担心温度再一降低会低出绿区呢?就像之前说的手提氧气瓶一样。手提氧气瓶不一样的是,应急滑梯指示光标是带有温度补偿的。AMM TASK 25-66-01-200-801,Escape Slide Pack Inflation Cylinder Check The pressure gage of the escape slide pack inflation cylinder has a temperature compensator.Make sure the pressure indicator needle is in the GO band (green) or not more than one needle width to the right of the GO band (green).确保压力指针在GO(绿色)色带内,或GO(绿色)色带的右边不超过一个针宽。NOTE: It is best to do a check on the pressure gage when it has been at a constant temperature for 2 hours or more. The GO band (green) moves more quickly than the pressure gage needle in response to a large temperature change. This can cause an incorrect pressure indication.注:当压力表在恒温下2小时或以上时,是检查的最好时机。在温度变化较大时,GO色带(绿色)比压力表指针移动更快。这可能导致压力指示不正确。对于其他几个门可能还好一些,开门的时间不会特别长。特别对于前登机门,夏天如果在太阳底下晒的时间稍微有点长的话,就会导致绿色色带和指针都向右移,而绿色色带移动比指针快,就很容易左偏出绿区。短停不靠廊桥时,如果碰到类似这种情况,可以及时和乘务员解释。