ASTM F2316-12(2014) Standard Specification for Airframe Emergency Parachutes(机身紧急降落伞的标准规范)也是整机降落伞的标准规范
This specification covers minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, and installation of airframe emergency parachutes for light sport aircraft. Materials used for parts and assemblies, shall meet the conditions specified for (1) suitability and durability, (2) strength and other properties assumed in the design data, and (3) effects of environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, expected in service. Parachute model designations shall include the following: (1) parachute system parts list, (2) new parachutes model designations, (3) design changes, and (4) installation design changes. The strength requirements shall be specified in terms of limit loads and ultimate loads. The following minimum performance standards for the basic parachute system design shall be met: (1) parachute strength test to determine the ultimate load factor, (2) rate of descent, (3) component strength test, (4) staged deployment, and (5) environmental conditions. The installation design requirements are specified for the following: (1) coordination, (2) weight and balance, (3) system mounting, (4) extraction performance, (5) parachute attachment to the airframe, (6) activating housing routing, and (7) occupant restraint. Other requirements such as system function and operations and product marking are also detailed.