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    一、Electric 电力
    2 Main systems – AC, DC, & Standby.
    The AC & DC systems are divided into 2 sections –Bus 1 (left) & 2 (right).
    Each engine plus the APU power 1electric generator apiece.
    Each generator provides AC electric power to the busses. Normally, the left generator powers the left side and the right generator powers the right side.
    每个发电机向总线提供交流电。 通常,左侧发电机为左侧供电,右侧发电机为右侧供电。
    Transfer Busses allow any generator or external power (on the ground) to power the whole airplane if no other generator is providing power.
    No power source can be paralleled (connected) to another; the Transfer busses always keep the power sources separate to protect them.
    不能将任何电源并联(连接)。 传输总线始终将电源分开以保护它们。
    TRU (transformer rectifier unit) converts electricity from AC to DC. INV (inverter) converts DC to AC.
    The battery is being charged anytime the Right AC Transfer bus is powered.
    In the event of loss of AC power, the battery can power the DC Standby, and through the INV (inverter), the AC Standby, for up to 30 minutes.
    Standby busses supply emergency power to critical equipment so the Captain can get the airplane on the ground.

    二、Pneumatics 气动

    Air is drained (tapped) off the engines (“Bleed Air”) to supply the Air Conditioning, Pressurization, and Anti-Ice / De-Ice systems.Tapping this air off the engines reduces the amount of air going out the back of the engine which results in a loss of thrust and decreased fuel mileage


    三、Air Conditioning空调

    Bleed Air that has been tapped off of the engines or the APU is used to feed the 2 Air Conditioning Packs.


    The packs cool the hot bleed air to a comfortable temperature then the air is distributed throughout the passenger and flight deck compartments.


    Once the air is inside the cabin, recirculation fans and filters are used to reduce the bleed load on the engines by keeping the air moving around the inside of the cabin longer.



    After the Air Conditioning System distributes the air throughout the cabin, the Pressurization System restricts its exhaust from the aircraft by opening / closing the outflow valve to keep the cabin pressurized (think of how a balloon is inflated) to a comfortable level so the people can breathe.

    在空调系统将空气分配到整个机舱之后,增压系统通过打开/关闭出气阀来限制机舱的排气,以保持机舱增压(考虑气球如何充气)到舒适的水平,这样人们就可以 呼吸。


    If the controllers were to fail the outflow valve closed, the airplane would pressurize (inflate) until it popped, so the overpressure exhaust valve will open if needed.



    Hot Bleed Air is also used to anti-ice

    1) the leading edge of the wing (only the 3 outboard slats on each wing, inflight use only), and

    2) the leading edge of the engine inlet (ground or inflight use).

    Anti-ice is used anytime the temperature is below 10C with visible moisture present.






    2 main systems (A & B) and a standby center system provide pressurized hydraulic fluid (3,000 psi) to power all primary flight controls, flaps, spoilers, landing gear, nose wheel steering, brakes, thrust reversers, and autopilot.



    Each system has a fluid reservoir located in its associated wheel well. The fluid is pressurized by its associated engine driven hydraulic pump, which is backed up by its electric motor driven pump. Anytime an engine pump is not providing adequate pressure (ie: engine not running), its

    electric motor can pressurize the system completely.

    每个系统在其相关的轮舱内都有一个储液罐。 流体由与其关联的发动机驱动的液压泵加压,而其由电动机驱动的泵作为后备。 每当发动机泵未提供足够的压力(即:发动机未运行)时,其电动机可以完全给系统加压。


    If either main system fails, the other main system will power all primary flight controls.



    The center system is pressurized by an electric motor driven pump only. The center system is primarily used as a standby system if both main systems fail.

    备用系统仅由电动泵加压。 如果两个主系统都发生故障,则备用系统主要用作备用系统

    七、Flight Controls

    All flight controls are hydraulically powered.

    The primary flight controls are the ailerons, elevator, and rudder.

    All primary flight controls are powered by both main hydraulic systems, A & B. (Either

    hydraulic system can power all primary flight controls).

    Ailerons provide roll, elevator provides pitch, and the rudder provides yaw control.

    The secondary flight controls are the spoilers, trailing edge flaps, leading edge slats, and horizontal stabilizer.








    In flight, the spoilers are used

    1) to assist the ailerons for roll control (roll assist = one side at a time pitches up slightly to kill some lift), and

    2) to allow the aircraft to descend quickly without gaining airspeed (speedbrakes = some panels on both sides simultaneously pitch up partially to kill lift and create drag).





    Upon landing, the spoilers are used to kill all lift to assist in landing and braking (speedbrakes = all panels on both sides simultaneously pitch up all the way to kill lift which puts all the weight down on the wheelsfor more effective braking).


    Trailing edge flaps and leading edge slats operate simultaneously to

    1. extend to provide extra lift during slow flight (increases the camber of the wing for takeoff and landing, plus extends farther during landing to also increase drag), and

    2. retract during all other phases of flight to form an efficient, high speed wing.







    Flaps and slats are normally powered by B hydraulic system. If B system fails, trailing edge flaps can be extended electrically, and the leading edge slats can be extended using the center standby hydraulic system.



    The horizontal stabilizer is used to trim out the pitch control forces, relieving the force required on the elevator as airspeed changes.



    As air is drawn through the engine, the Fan, then the N1 compressor section, then the N2 compressor section compress the air into an extremely high pressure flow.



    High pressure, high temperature bleed air is tapped off the end of the N2 compressor section to supply air conditioning, pressurization, and anti-ice.



    The remaining air now enters the combustion section where fuel is injected into the air flow and ignited.



    As the air flow is superheated, it expands to an ultra high pressure flow before entering the turbine sections.



    The ultra high pressure, superheated air flow now expands through the turbine section before exhausting out the back of the engine. The turbines drive a shaft connected to the fan and compressor sections, which drives them to bring in more air. This shaft also drives an accessory gearbox which drives the generator, the hydraulic pump, oil pumps, etc.



    The speed of the turbines, and thus the speed of the engine and the amount of thrust coming out the back of the engine, is controlled by how much fuel is injected into the combustion section.



    Thrust Reversers are hydraulically actuated cowling sleeves that when activated on the ground, slide into place and redirect the Fan Bypass exhaust to flow more out the side than the rear of the cowling, thus directing the thrust more forward and helping slow the aircraft on landing.



    3 fuel tanks,

    Electrically driven fuel pumps provide fuel to the supply lines.

    Through the fuel supply lines, any of the 3 fuel tanks can provide fuel to either engine or the APU.

    The center tank pumps operate at a higher pressure than the main tank pumps, thus the center tank fuel is consumed prior to the main tank fuel. This serves to maintain a proper weight and

    balance schedule (CG). ·

    If all electricity fails, fuel still suction feeds from the main tanks to the engines.




    中央油箱泵的压力高于主油箱泵的压力,因此中央油箱的燃油先于主油箱的燃油被消耗。 这样可以保持适当的重量并且保持平衡 ·


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